Quotes from Young people on the project

The HP gives me the chance to learn new skills, meet new people and I know I don’t have to do everything on my own we can help each other
The best thing about the HP is all the support I get... It's good to be part of a group as we bond, have a laugh but still get stuff done

I know I can stay in the HP as long as I want, it makes me less worried about not having any support in the future

It's good to meet people doing the same thing as me, we are all so different but strangely feel similar
We all help each other in the HP so no one needs to feel alone
HP is an amazing opportunity and everyone deserves the experience

Young people at the heart of decision making

Their collective views and ideas drive the development of all House Projects through the Care Leavers National Movement. They meet on a regular basis to share good practice, talk about and find solutions to any challenges they are facing and to suggest new ways of doing things. They work hard, have fun and their views make a real difference to how young people leave care and move into their own homes.

The reason I joined CLNM is to ensure all care experienced young people have a voice and that their voice is listened to

Latest News

Latest News

500 young people living in their own homes
500 young people living in their own homes

500 young people leaving care from LHPs across the UK have been supported to move into their first home and are living 'connected and fulfilling’ lives. It may have taken 7 years to support the first 500 young people into their first home, but we are expecting the next 500 young people to move in to their own homes by August 2026!

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Staff experiences of working with unaccompanied asylum seeking young people
Staff experiences of working with unaccompanied asylum seeking young people

Staff experiences of working with unaccompanied asylum seeking young people within a trauma-informed framework at the National House Project: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. This small-scale study was carried out by Royal Hollaway University between November 2023 and January 2024. Semi-structured interviews with ten staff members from NHP and LHP’s were undertaken and explored their experiences of using a trauma informed practice framework to support asylum seeking young people.

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CLNM Conference 2024 - Developing Direction
CLNM Conference 2024 - Developing Direction

On Thursday 14 November, the House Project community of young people, colleagues, and partners from across the UK gathered at the Mercure Hotel in Manchester for the annual Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) Conference, ‘Developing Direction.’

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