East Dunbartonshire’s House Project Launched in February 2021 with all staff and the first cohort of young people in place.

Through consultation with care experienced young people we identified that there was a gap in the support and preparation for leaving care and the experience was often challenging with young people feeling isolated and struggling to sustain their tenancy.

The House Project offered an innovative way for our young people to be take control of their future by supporting them to gain the skills and experiences they will need to live independent lives whilst developing lifelong communities of support.

Every young person in the house project has the opportunity to take part in a variety of experiences, such as planning and taking part in a residential and doing something for their community, which will equip them with lifelong skills and ultimately create and sustain their own homes.  

Since launching in February 2021 we have supported all 10 young people from cohort 1 into their own homes with all young people completing the house project programme.  In October 2021 another 10 young people joined the house project and are reaching completion of the programme with some young people already moving into their homes.  Over the last year we have seen opportunities for our young people such as being part of the care leavers’ national movement, taking part in a peer evaluation of other House Projects and presenting a pitch in-house for funding to support activities promoting mental health and wellbeing. Our young people have also held a virtual networking event, prepared and shared over 40 meals together and created an animated film 'Cinderella' about their Local House Project journey.  Watch Cinderella here https://youtu.be/LjzZFX3fuD8    

What do young people think?

Hear what our Young People have to say about their Local House Project

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