Chester Half Marathon

Chester Half Marathon

Posted 20th May 2024

On Sunday 19th May over 30 runners ran the Chester Half Marathon to raise monies for the provision of white goods for our young people moving into their first home. Despite the hot weather all 30 runners completed the course raising over £4000 to support young people. Two young people, Kieran and Paris, joined us for their second run in support of their community of care leavers.

We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of our corporate supporter Reconomy, an international circular economy specialist organisation, who have now contributed to our running events by having staff both run and raise funds. Reconomy are committed to our young people and knew that every step they took was a move towards supporting and empowering care leavers to build a better future for themselves.

Dave Reynolds Brand Manager Reconomy said “I’m proud to be running the 2024 Chester Half Marathon on behalf of NHP. This will be my second time running with the amazing NHP team and raising money for this wonderful charity. There is such an incredible team spirit amongst all the NHP runners, and I can’t wait to be a part of that again in a few weeks’ time. Training so far has been tough going because of a back injury I picked up at the start of the year, but I’m determined to make it across both the start and finish lines”.


We are extremely grateful for each and every runner, supporter and spectator - Thank You! 

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